Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Not an Average Monday

Monday was a great day! In classes, no one had a case of the “Mondays.” Classes ran smoothly, with the students reading their books for Reading/Writing class, and the 02’s working hard on the yearbook, and the 01’s making Lego robots.

Following classes, speaker Craig Hillier spoke to us about “Breaking Through.” He had the kids laughing and intrigued with everything he had to tell them. All of it was based on getting ready for college and making sure that you start out right.
Following the speaker and supper, the students got to play Capture the Flag with a bit of a twist. Instead of tagging, they threw water balloons to get people out. Monday was a great day for the students.

~Please RSVP for the Banquet by July 1st.
~Instead of a Taco Bar, there will be a hot buffet with: chicken, mashed potatoes, salad, and cheesecake

Events to come for Tuesday:

Events to come for Wednesday:
~Speaker: Peggy Kuck

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