Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The End Is Near

Tuesday was back to normal for everyone. In Math class they played Deal or No Deal with the 01 class beating the 02 class and winning the prize of ice cream. In reading/writing, the students finished Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes.

Then for activity time, the students worked on their display boards for the banquet. Then, on Tuesday night, it was the talent show. The students here are really talented. There were jokes, singing, and performing. It was a great night, but the end is getting close.

Events to come for Wednesday:
~The end of the summer dance/karaoke

Events to come for Thursday:
~The end of the summer banquet

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

An Exciting Weekend

On Friday morning, everyone left bright and early for Duluth, MN for the Upward Bound trip. On the trip, there were a few college tours: The University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Univeristy of Minnesota Duluth, and the College of St. Scholastica.

They had fun at the waterpark located at the hotel.

They visited the Planetarium at the University of Minnesota Duluth. They toured the USS Irving and got to see the inside of a coal supply ship.

On Saturday night they watched a movie at the Omnimax Theatre about the Great Lakes. In their free time they swam in Lake Superior. there was also a city tour of Duluth by a member of the Chamber of Commerece. They toured the Maritime Museum, and saw a ship come into port.

Everyone returned on Sunday and had a day of free time. Later that night everyone went out to Wylie Park to enjoy the fireworks.

On Monday, the students worked on the yearbook for about four hours. Followed by another afternoon of free time. Then the students either cleaned or got ready for the talent show. The final week of Upward Bound has started, and everyone is going to have a lot fun.

Events to come for Tuesday:
~The talent show

Events to come for Wednesday:
~The dance/karoake

Events to come for Thursday (the final day):
~End of the Summer Banquet

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Whodunnit? Wednesday

Classes on Wednesday were just like any other day. They made space aliens to match their planet they researched, and they continued on the book in Reading/Writing. Following classes, Great Lakes Higher Education came to visit, and they had the kids play a game of Jeopardy to test their knowledge about financial aid. The nightly activity was a game of Clue. They ran around the counselor’s room to determine which counselor murdered “Rocky Balboa.” It turned out to be all of the counselors present as a conspiracy.

At 10:00 pm the students went ougt star gazing with Mrs. Ohmland. Now the students are getting ready for the big weekend ahead of them.

Events to come for Thursday:
~Errand runs

Events to come for the weekend:
~The big Duluth trip